As professionals and managers from the private and public sector with a strong academic background, we were disappointed with the traditional way of management education and training. On the one hand there is a lot of easy to apply knowledge that is mostly based on anecdotal evidence or popular trends. This leads to biased decision making, failed interventions and huge sums of money invested in consulting and training initiatives without any positive impact on individual or organizational performance.
Transfer rate conventional trainings
Failed change initiatives
Outdated knowledge
Our CQ Net Team

Dr. Markus Nini
Dr. Markus Nini

Markus is a senior management counselor with CQ Net - Management skills at work! He combines more than 15 years hands-on leadership experience from the private sector with in-depth knowledge in the area of... Read More

Ewald Nini
Ewald Nini

Ewald Nini is co-founder of CQ Net. He is responsible for all legal and financial matters and has many years of experience in the service industry. Ewald studied law and... Read More

Julia Nini
Julia Nini

Julia unterstützt beim Social Media Marketing, Community Management und der Kundenbetreuung. Sie ist besonders interessiert an Fragestellungen im Bereich Life Career Development und moderiert CQ Teams... Read More

Jon Gray
Jon Gray

Jon is an experienced psychologist, university lecturer and manager. He moderates teams in the fields of work and organizational psychology. Jon studied psychology (MSc) and law (LLB)... Read More

Dr. Devon Price
Dr. Devon Price

Dr. Devon Price is a social psychologist, writer, activist, and professor at Loyola University of Chicago’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Price’s work has appeared in numerous... Read More

Dr. Annette Towler
Dr. Annette Towler

Annette was born in England and now lives in the United States. She has a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and has taught at several institutions. Annette has published in several journals,... Read More

Sebastian Carro
Sebastian Carro

Sebastian moderates teams in the areas of change management, leadership and career management. He studied Psychology at Birkbeck College Organizational Psychology (MSc) and Open... Read More

Barinder Singh
Barinder Singh

Barinder Singh is part of our founding team and responsible for the technology part of our CQ Net. After a bachelor's degree in electronics and a master's degree in computer science at the University of... Read More

João Fernandes
João Fernandes

João is in charge of CQ Net digital marketing. He has worked in events and communication before starting to work in the digital marketing business. He was responsible for the digital marketing at Arte-Factos,... Read More